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The Arnolds

This little girl already knows how to keep everyone on their toes! Tenley wasn’t due to arrive until October but instead decided to make her grand entrance in early September. And so I had to do a bit of finagling to squeeze her into the schedule so much earlier than expected. The least she could have done was slept “like a baby” for us but instead she had a restless night on the eve of our shoot (which worked out great for mom and dad 😉 ) and then decided she was still just not quite ready to nap until after I left 😛 It’s a good thing you’re so cute little girl!!! At a couple of weeks this little beauty already has a mind of her own, Julie and Ashton I can’t wait to see what she has in store for you next!

Thanks guys for hanging out with me all afternoon instead of napping. Can’t wait to see you all for Tenley’s next milestone shoot!!!


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