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The Morkes Family

Yea! Maeve is one! I always look forward to shooting the Morkes family, and not just because they’re all so good lookin’ 😉 The real draw is seeing what kind of styling this creative mama has in store for the shoot! Seriously, Cara never disappoints and Maeve’s one year shoot was no exception. I think from now on when a client has a question about wardrobe styling I will refer them straight to Cara! And… if you find yourself admiring Cara’s impeccable visage then you should probably check out Makeup My Day. Cara is a super talented makeup artist, trust me, I’ve seen her in action 🙂

Maeve was a real trooper too! We shot straight into her bedtime and she hung in there with the best of em’ 🙂  The late summer sunsets can make for tricky scheduling when there are little ones involved. But I’m going to go ahead and say you’d have no idea from looking at the pics of this beautiful family.

Thanks Dave and Cara for letting me capture these memories for you! I can’t wait to watch Maeve cover that adorable little face with cake and frosting!!


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