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The McGuires

One of the best things about this job is welcoming clients back year after year, and getting to see how everyone has grown and changed. It’s such a cool thing to get to experience. Not to mention it also feels great to know that they want to see me again! 😉 I shot the McGuires for the first time last year and I was so happy when Maria reached out again. The only downside was the chill in the air (for the second year in a row! 🙁 ). Luckily, mother nature was no match for Jack and Kate, they were both still full of energy and cuteness!

Thank you Matt and Maria for coming back for more! And.. third times a charm, next year it’s going to be 65 and sunny, I just know it! 😉

So handsomePreciousPretty girls 🙂Can’t stop her!That sweet little smile


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